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Can you see this picture?

If you can’t see it then here is a link to it ( it’s not mine, but thanks to google I found a picture that represents how I picture happiness.

Here is my Take on happiness at work and a in general.When you get hired somewhere you can’t expect the company to make you happy. Companies need people, people need money/jobs to work towards their happiness.

Companies need the best people they can get with the budget they have to survive.

Happiness is not a business target as far as I know #Fact. We are responsible for our own happiness. We choose to work in a specific place because we are comfortable doing that job, because we have the skills to get the work done efficiently, because we have agreed with the financial reward , because the location suits us etc. We have to grow outside this conception of expecting happiness to come from anything or anyone outside ourselves. (if that makes sense).

Happiness is The Ultimate feeling, its quest comes with maximum pressure.

For example, If I expect my marriage to make me happy, that’s a lot of pressure on my marriage, if I expect my job, my manager or my company to make me happy, that’s maximum pressure on my job and manager. They have to find a way to provide me with THE ULTIMATE feeling.

There isn't a paragraph, not a single line in my contract that says the company have to make me happy. I don’t recall asking to be happy during any job interview yet, I, like pretty much everyone, I have expected some happiness from my workplace.

Happiness is bigger than love. You read it here first and it is true.

Happiness is bigger than love because we are happy to be in love and hardly in love to be happy. We could be in love but if its a one way love, I very much doubt that anyone will be happy to not receive love back from the person she or he loves #Fact.

Working for a corporation is a privilege that someone else’s hard work gives us and I will explain.

I'd like to think that every human being is equal. let’s look at it this way. we are all given 100 tokens when we come alive. some people will have their tokens used for a specific skin, a specific length, some amount on kindness , some amount on smartness, some amount on every of those things we perceive as making us different. Then some of us still have tokens left to develop themselves.

We each have different amount of tokens left that we can use for various things.

From the 100 tokens we had when coming to existence, someone would have used his' to become a successful entrepreneur. The Great Professor Stephen Hawkins ( 1942-2018) for exemple have had his tokens dispatched in a different way than the common being in physical appearance and yet he went to rest as one of the greatest human being we’ve had because of the way he used his tokens. Mainly in sciences.

This is the exciting part:WHY SHOULD WE EXPECT SOMEONE ELSE TO SHARE THEIR TOKENS OR THE BENEFITS OF IT IF WE HAVEN’T SHARED THE BEST OF OURS? I am not saying we should be selfish or thinking about ourselves only. I am saying we have to do whatever makes us happy but expecting someone else to make us happy is out of the equation.

When we sign a contract, we accept to find some of our happiness through someone else’s labour. and de facto embrace that opportunity as is. That's why I believe it's a privilege to have an opportunity to bring our skills in a company and receive some financial rewards in exchange, and maybe from there we can manage to find part of what will allow us to be happy.For now, remember, make yourself happy, don’t expect it from outside. Think about your 100 tokens, you still have more than could imagine, probably more than 50 of them if you haven't reached 70 years old. We don’t need to criticize, judge, blame others and hold them accountable for our ULTIMATE feeling. Throwing shades at others only brings stains and shadows our tokens.

Make them shine and use them as much as possible.

#ThinkAboutIt#Happiness #Work #HappinessAtWork #100Tokens

Florent-Emmanuel Okallax


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happiness is a myth, it only exists in people heads but some feel the NEED to be happy so they end up letting their "happiness" depend on other people that do nothing but hurt them over and over again. My question is: Why should our "happiness" rely on other people that probably don't even want us to be "happy"? Why should it rely on small things and how do we even know that we're happy?


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